Notices Government eProcurement System
The latest Tender documents issued by various Government Departments, Directorates, Organisations, Institutions and local bodies of eProcurement System for Central PSUs are listed here.
S.No e-Published Date Bid Submission Closing Date Tender Opening Date Title and Ref.No./Tender ID Organisation Chain
1. 17-Sep-2024 04:15 PM 17-Oct-2024 03:00 PM 18-Oct-2024 03:00 PM [DM/MS/COR-OF/256 - Final Road Carpeting of road in balance section from Duhai EPE to Shatabdi Nagar (RRTS Ch. 33030.950 to 64103) of Delhi- Ghaziabad- Meerut RRTS corridor.]
National Capital Region Transport Corporation||GGM-Strategic Planning - NCRTC
2. 07-Sep-2024 11:00 AM 08-Oct-2024 03:00 PM 09-Oct-2024 03:00 PM [Construction of Public Toilet Blocks at Anand Vihar, Bhaisali, Meerut South and Begumpul RRTS Stations of Delhi- Ghaziabad- Meerut RRTS Corridor.]
 [DM/MS/COR-OF/251 ][2024_NCRTC_205796_1]
National Capital Region Transport Corporation||GGM-Strategic Planning - NCRTC
3. 30-Aug-2024 02:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 03:00 PM 01-Oct-2024 03:00 PM [DM/CN/COR-OF/253- Supply, Fabrication and Erection of Steel Girders from Pier P-10 to P-18 of Elevated Road and Construction of Ramp from Pier PP-1 in Ring Road Connectivity Project to NCRTC Complex Jangpura of Delhi -Meerut RRTS Corridor.]
National Capital Region Transport Corporation||GGM-Strategic Planning - NCRTC
4. 27-Aug-2024 12:00 PM 24-Sep-2024 03:00 PM 25-Sep-2024 03:00 PM [DM/MS/CPM-GZ/252 - Construction of Foot over Bridge Connecting Entry-Exit Pocket-C of Ghaziabad RRTS Station to Saheed sthal Metro station (DMRC) at Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS Corridor.]
National Capital Region Transport Corporation||GGM-Strategic Planning - NCRTC
5. 22-Aug-2024 11:00 AM 23-Sep-2024 03:00 PM 24-Sep-2024 03:00 PM [DM/MS/COR-OF/248, Execution of ground development and other miscellaneous civil and architectural works in stations from Meerut South to Shatabdi Nagar in Delhi- Ghaziabad- Meerut RRTS Corridor.]
National Capital Region Transport Corporation||GGM-Strategic Planning - NCRTC
6. 09-Aug-2024 10:30 AM 24-Sep-2024 03:00 PM 25-Sep-2024 03:00 PM [DM/AIT/COR-OF/246 ,Selection of Licensee for Exclusive Semi-Naming / Co-Branding Rights at of five RRTS station (Duhai, Murad Nagar, Modinagar South, Modinagar North and Meerut South) of Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS Corridor of NCRTC. ]
National Capital Region Transport Corporation||GGM-Strategic Planning - NCRTC
Visitor No:3791839
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