Notices Government eProcurement System
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Organisation Chain Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited
Tender Reference Number IN-02
Tender ID 2021_MPMRC_71676_1 Withdrawal Allowed Yes
Tender Type Open Tender Form Of Contract Lump-sum
Tender Category Works No. of Covers 2
General Technical Evaluation Allowed No ItemWise Technical Evaluation Allowed No
Payment Mode Offline Is Multi Currency Allowed For BOQ Yes
Is Multi Currency Allowed For Fee No Allow Two Stage Bidding No
S.No Instrument Type
2 R-T-G-S
Cover No Cover Type Description Document Type
1 Fee/PreQual/Technical Scanned copy of tender fee payment .pdf
Scanned copy of EMD/Tender Security Declaration .pdf
Technical package .pdf
2 Finance Financial bid .xls
Document download date is over you cannot download the documents
Tender Fee in ₹ 50,000
Fee Payable To Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Co Limited Fee Payable At Bhopal
Tender Fee Exemption Allowed No
EMD Amount in ₹ 0.00 EMD Exemption Allowed No
EMD Fee Type fixed EMD Percentage NA
EMD Payable To Nil EMD Payable At Nil
S.No Currency Conversion rate in ₹
1 US Dollar 73.1197
2 European Euro 89.1407
Title Design and Construction of 7 Elevated stations
Work Description Design and Construction of Seven (7) Elevated Metro Rail Stations
NDA/Pre Qualification Please refer Tender documents.
Independent External Monitor/Remarks NA
Tender Value in ₹ 3,69,00,00,000 Product Category Civil Works Sub category NA 
Contract Type Tender Bid Validity(Days) 180 Period Of Work(Days) 847 
Location Indore Pincode 462022 Pre Bid Meeting Place Bhopal 
Pre Bid Meeting Address 2nd Floor Smart City Development Corporation Limited Office Building Kalibadi Road BHEL Sector A Berkheda Bhopal 462022  Pre Bid Meeting Date 19-Mar-2021 11:00 AM  Bid Opening Place Bhopal
Should Allow NDA Tender No  Allow Preferential Bidder No
Published Date 27-Feb-2021 03:00 PM Bid Opening Date 02-Jul-2021 04:30 PM
Document Download / Sale Start Date 27-Feb-2021 04:00 PM Document Download / Sale End Date 01-Jul-2021 04:00 PM
Clarification Start Date 28-Feb-2021 11:00 AM Clarification End Date 12-Mar-2021 06:00 PM
Bid Submission Start Date 17-Jun-2021 11:00 AM Bid Submission End Date 01-Jul-2021 04:00 PM
NIT Document
S.No Document Name Description Document Size (in KB)
1 Tendernotice_1.pdf NIT 244.86
Work Item Documents
S.No Document Type Document Name Description Document Size (in KB)
1 Tender Documents Volume_2_IN02_GCPC.pdf Digital Signature VoI 2 GC PC 843.33
2 Tender Documents Volume_3_IN02_ER.pdf Digital Signature VoL 3 Employers Requirement 3109.86
3 Tender Documents Volume_4_IN02_TS.pdf Digital Signature VoL 4 Tech Spec 4308.59
4 Tender Documents Volume_5_IN02_MWS.pdf Digital Signature Vol 5 Material and workmanship spec 2139.73
5 Tender Documents Volume_6_IN02_TD_Part_1of4.pdf Digital Signature Vol 6 tender drawing part 1 of 4 24301.54
6 Tender Documents Volume_6_IN02_TD_Part_2of4.pdf Digital Signature Vol 6 tender drawing part 2 of 4 7586.70
7 Tender Documents Volume_6_IN02_TD_Part_3of4.pdf Digital Signature Vol 6 tender drawing part 3 of 4 22515.23
8 Tender Documents Volume_6_IN02_TD_Part_4of4.pdf Digital Signature Vol 6 tender drawing part 4 of 4 10243.95
9 Tender Documents Volume_7_1_IN02_PD.pdf Digital Signature Vol 7 Pricing Document preamble 302.72
10 Tender Documents Volume_8_IN02_GD.pdf Digital Signature Vol 8 Geotech data 3339.68
11 Tender Documents Volume_1_IN02_NIT_ITT_EQC_LOT.pdf Digital Signature Vol 1 NIT ITT EOC LOT 1622.04
12 BOQ BOQ_77108.xls Digital Signature Financial bid 433.00
S.No Corrigendum Title Corrigendum Type View
1 Corrigendum-7 Date
2 Clarifications-29-06-2021 Other
3 Corrigendum-5 Terms and Conditions
Name M.D
Address 2nd Floor Smart City Development Corporation Limited Office Building Kalibadi Road BHEL Sector A Berkheda Bhopal 462022
Visitor No:3791839
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